Botijo M
Botijo M was bred and branded by Yeguada Las Marismas. Known for their serious focus on International caliber Dressage horses, Las Marismas used horses with proven pedigrees in their breeding program. Botijo M is a beautiful example of that quality. His pedigree includes the Olympic Dressage horse Evento. Other great Military bred horses include Leviton, Agente, Jenson, Maluso and Usada 1956. From his dam Botijo also carries the blood of Romero Benitez and Antonio Diosdado Galan. A kind and generous stallion, Botijo is standing at Dorado Andaluz as senior stallion.

Botijo M, ridden by Sabrina Wood, earned the title of Absolute Champion of Functionality at the P.R.E. National Celebration in Las Vegas Nevada September 2007. This is a wonderful achievement that we at Dorado Andaluz are all very proud of! In 2008 Botijo M won USDF All Breeds Awards First place in Open 3rd and 4th levels. He was 7th place Open 4th level horse at the 2008 CDS Championship Show in Burbank. In 2009 Botijo was the USDF All Breeds Champion at open Prix Saint George. At the 2009 CDS Championship show at Rancho Muretta Botijo M was the 7th place ABIG Open PSG horse, boy was he cute in his victory gallop with all the bay and chestnut warmbloods :) Botijo M continued his training with our resident trainer Alexis Martin-Vegue thru Grand Prix. Botijo now spends his days as a trail horse and a lesson horse, with the occasional gathering of cattle.